Well it's monday again. The dreaded beginning of the actual work week. I would like to take a minute to point out that most people my age dont have a "set" work week. Meaning, Monday through Friday from 9-5. My Husband for example works Tuesday Through Saturday.
Anywhodle...(that is my new word, its pronounced any-who-dil.) This week I didnt really keep track of much, I have had a very long week this week. So here is the one that I did keep track of though.
I went to visit my dad who has just recently bought his first house. He is 41 almost 42 years old. After a long divorce and dealing with all of us kids (haha) for so long he finally decided it was time. He still has my little sister who is 17, almost 18. My little brother who just turned 17, and then my youngest brother who just turned 12, so he bought a house big enough to be able to roof all of the bodies if need be, however they do not live with him, for now that is.

Happy Monday Everyone!
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