Magic beans organized this event, which was an extreme success!

This was the initial view from the entrance!!
We then ventured around to some stations/exhibits, which turned into me getting a mini make up make over from the Becca Line!

Then they were recording the make over with video camera so I'm not sure where that video is, but if someone does, please let me know!! But that is why I am smiling and giggling kinda in this photo below...

Then below is the result from my mini make up make over!!! What do you think??
I think I looked like a clown!! Lol, make up is for some people, just not for me. I'm an eye liner and mascara only kinda girl LOL

Then we learned about the grow bag. Below in the picture is a size 12-18 months and it's purpose is to keep the child warm because "you are not supposed to put loose blankets in with a baby". However, knowing my son who is 16 months, this would not fly with him. He rolls around sooo much while sleeping, so this would not be a product for us, but definitely is a great idea.

Then we visited the Boon Inc table. They had a lot of great products, especially their drying rack that looks like grass. I always thought it was soft like the silicone or rubber toys, but it's actually a soft hard (if that makes sense) to be able to hold things upright.

Then there was a vendor there who did 3D ultrasounds. These are a great thing! We ha them with Matthew, and we could tell by the pictures that Matthew was going to look like Jacob before he was even born! If your pregnant, I strongly suggest getting one of these done, they are priceless memories that you will want to keep forever!!

Then we visited Ergo's spot. We love ergo and hopefully one day we'll be able to do a review of one of their carriers. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to ergo for doing their contest to win a pair of tickets. Without that, we wouldn't have been able to go!! Thank you ergo for the tickets and the hat :-)

Then we met these nice ladies!! They prepare home cooked packages that you freeze and then thaw when your read for a home cooked meal! The BBQ chicken sample was delicious!

Jot journal is an amazing thing! It puts your status and photos into a printed book from Facebook! How cool Is that!?!?

Stokke is as always an amazing product! Don't you just love that bassinet???

That small lightweight highchair by Stokke is sweet too! And so modern and stylish!

Skip*Hop has some really cute awesome stuff! Remember that post I did for CSNstores a while back? Well the lunchbox I featured is made by skip*hop and is extremely cute!

Macleran as we all know is quite pricey, but their products are well worth it! This stroller was used for demonstrations and with 4 easy steps it folds up for storage and is extremely light weight! I'd absolutely love to review one of these!

OXO has great items for feeding infants and toddlers. Their snack containers are cute, economical and my son loves them!

Babycook is a great product! It steams the food and then purées it for baby to eat! It's a great tool if you make all your babies food like I do!

Donkeys strollers are to die for! Extremely lightweight and perfect for infant to toddler, I'd love to review one of these too!

Do I need to say much about babybjorn? Lightweight, storage friendly and so stylish! I'm in love with this highchair!

Look at this highchair it's lightweight and perfect! Now look at the photo below this to see how it folds! I love this folding feature! It's weight capacity is 40lbs too which is great!

Now see how small and flat it folds down! Barley any room needed for storage! Sweet!

Zoli baby has a great item that caught my attention! They have a nail filer for babies! It takes batteries and can file the baby's nails without the chance of cutting them too small! Definitely mama approved!

I love the "carry" potty idea! It's small, lightweight and portable! Have you ever had to stop somewhere for a potty break and you can use the bathrooms but they aren't clean enough for your children?! I'd love to review this when the time comes for Matthew to potty train it looks nice and practical!!!

Then there's britax! Britax is insanely awesome! I can't wait to be able to get Matthew one of their boosters! Come on everyone! Get my PR up so Britax will want to work with me for a review! Britax is all about safety and I trust them with my children's lives!

Drool baby sponsors!

Check out some of the items in the regular gift bags! If this is a regular one, it makes me wonder what was in the VIP one!

Drool was a huge success and Magic Beans put on a great Expo! I hope to get a VIP ticket next year as this expo was da bomb!!!
Kudos magic beans and sponsors! Hope to see you next year! Thank you for a great evening!!!
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